Submit Tool

Do you have an interesting new artificial intelligence tool, application, or platform?

We’re always looking to uncover and share the most promising and practical AI innovations out there.

That’s why AI Discoveries accepts direct submissions of AI tools from founders, developers, and technologists. We make it easy to get your project included on our site.

By submitting your AI tool on our platform, you get:

  • Exposure to our engaged community of AI adopters – get valuable feedback directly from your target users.
  • Increased online visibility – we drive more traffic and links to your site by showcasing the best next-gen AI innovations.
  • Promotion through our social channels – take advantage of our active posting to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn to build awareness.
  • Expert review – our editorial team will provide constructive commentary and suggestions to improve your pitching.
  • Direct founder interviews – we frequently chat directly with creators of promising submissions for Q&As. Great PR opportunity!

To submit an AI tool for consideration, we ask for:

  • Brief description of what problem your tool aims to solve
  • Short explanation of how you leverage AI capabilities
  • Key features and differentiators
  • Founder names and background
  • Link to live tool or demo

We focus on featuring tools that have direct practical application for users in their work/home life versus only theoretical advancements.

Ready to get your innovative AI tool discovered across our network? Click below to complete the submission form and our editors will be in touch!

[Submit AI Tool]